
Showing posts from January, 2022

4 Powerful Reasons You Need To Hire A Charlotte NC Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

  Here Are 4 Powerful Reasons You Need To Hire A Charlotte NC Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney Traumatic brain injury (TBI), can change your life.   Insurance companies will often try to deny victims compensation for any losses or costs they suffer after suffering a serious brain injury.   You don’t have to take on the insurance company by yourself. You may be eligible for the compensation you deserve due to your brain injury with the assistance of a Charlotte  personal accident attorney .   These are the top four  reasons to hire an injury lawyer  to represent your case in court. 1.  Minor Injuries to The Brain Can Have a Huge Impact on Your Life Most doctors will look for signs of life-threatening symptoms when assessing brain injuries.   Sometimes however, doctors fail to assess brain damage and the impact it has on victim’s daily functioning. They tend to be more concerned with performing surgery and other life-saving procedures than the s...

What Is A Bobtail Truck?

  Why You Need A Charlotte NC Personal Injury Truck Lawyer For A Bobtail Truck Accident.   We all know that truckers have a bit of their own lingo.  This is the case for Bobtail trucks.  This term refers to the semi-truck that doesn’t have a trailer attached.  While this is the most popular version of a bobtail truck.  There are other versions as well.   When every axel is attached to the same chassis on small and medium-sized trucks it will also be called a bobtail.  There are  bobtail dump trucks  and a bobtail delivery truck.   Another type of bobtail truck is a straight propane truck.  Basically, any small or medium-sized truck has a specifically designed tank attached to it.   There are many reasons that you might encounter a bobtail truck.  However, they are very dangerous. Many times they are carrying explosive materials, or the load could be uneven.  We offer bobtail trailer  accident ...

Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

  Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Spinal cord injury lawyers are professionals who represent victims of injuries to the spine, especially in cases where the victim was not at fault. They work on assessing damages for the victim, negotiating settlements with defense attorneys, and litigating cases in court.   Spinal cord injury  lawyers specialize in accidents  that have affected the spinal cord. This could be from medical malpractice, a  car accident , or another accident. Spinal cord injuries are no joke and affect the person’s entire life. They are often no longer able to work, pay for needed medical assistance, or socialize as they once did. Our team of spinal cord attorneys is dedicated to assisting clients that have had a spinal cord injury and want to seek compensation for it. We hold parties responsible for their actions and accountable. If you or someone you know and love has suffered a spinal cord injury, you understand the level of medical attention that i...